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Join the MSA

Once I apply, when am I a member and how much will it cost me?

A prospective member will become a member of the MSA upon completing a membership application (online or on paper), paying their initial registration fee, and being approved as a member by the majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Additional dues and assessment fees are billed quarterly as follows:

Members with Full Voting Privileges

Supplier Members - (Limit 2 per company) Dues of $125.00 per quarter plus assessment fees based on annual NABCA cases of:

  • 1.4 cents per case if total 9L case volume less than 250,000 cases

  • 1.2 cents per case if total 9L case volume between 250,000 & 500,000 cases

  • 1.0 cents per case if total 9L case volume greater than 500,000 cases


Broker & ADA Members - (Limit 2 per company)

  1. An Individual employed by a Broker or ADA may become a Full-Voting member as 1 of the 2 voting members of one of their suppliers or:

  2. An Individual employed by a Broker or ADA may become a Full-Voting member as 1 of the 2 voting members of the Broker or ADA with the following dues and assessments:

  • Dues of $125.00 per Quarter plus assessment fees as follows:

  • If one of their top three suppliers is an MSA member in good standing paying assessments, then their Assessment will be a flat fee of $500 per quarter

  • If none of their top three suppliers is an MSA member in good standing, then the assessment will be based on the average cases of their top three suppliers, with a minimum of $500 per quarter


Benefits of Full-Voting Membership:

  • The MSA as your advocate in Lansing, always working to prevent additional taxes and or reduce taxes and working to improve antiquated laws around spirits and promoting the industry

  • Full Voting members vote for and are eligible to be elected to an office and or director position

  • Regular updates on Legislative activities affecting the industry in the state

  • All full voting members will receive invites to all general meetings (Membership cocktail hour, NABCA breakfast, Golf Outing, Bi-Annual Elections & Dinner, Holiday Luncheon)

  • Access to Guests at the above events including members of the MLCC, MI Senate, MI House of Representatives, and other industry guests

  • Recognition as a member on the MSA website and print materials

  • Special Member rates for any MSA events

  • Special Member Discounts from Non-Voting Members

Limited-Voting Membership - Annual Dues of $250 per voting member (limit 1) plus assessment fees per the same schedule as Full-Voting Members. $125 for additional Non-Voting members.


Benefits of Limited-Voting Membership:

  • Grants member inclusion on the Michigan Distillers Map in "Pure Spirits" magazine

  • Carries the same benefits as Full Voting Members above, except, you only vote for a permanent committee to represent the unique interests of Small Distillers and will be guaranteed one Director position on the Board, elected by that committee and a commitment to always include the top 1 or 2 agenda items of the committee on the MSA’s Annual Platform provided those items don’t conflict with the mission of the MSA of providing the benefits that are in the best interest of its entire membership

Non-Voting Membership - Non Voting $125.00 annual dues for members of a Supplier, ADA or Broker over the first two voting members, and for associations with related interests in the spirit industry.


Benefits of Non-Voting Membership:

  • The MSA works on your behalf with the MLCC and Legislators on behalf of all licensees to benefit the responsible promotion and sale of spirits in the state.

  • Provides updates on Legislative activities affecting the industry in the state

  • Opportunity to participate or advertise in the annual MSA golf outing and other MSA events

  • Opportunity to offer MSA members discounts on your products/services

  • Access to MSA members with member listing (name, title, company & email only)

  • Recognition as a member on the MSA website

Please fill out the form below to apply and we will follow up with you shortly.

Application for MSA Membership


Social Media

  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Thanks for submitting! We will follow up on your application soon.

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